Welcome to the Consulate General of Brazil in Miami's
Publicado em 11/26/2024

Welcome to the Consulate General of Brazil in Miami's Appointment and Service Request System


The Consulate General of Brazil in Miami offers a convenient online platform for all consular services. Through the e-consular system, users can request and schedule services efficiently.


To begin, you need to either register (if you do not have a CPF, you may use your email and a password), log in, or request a new password using the appropriate option below. Once you access the system, navigate to the “Consular Services” section and select the “New Service” button to initiate your request.


It is essential to complete each service request by providing all required information and uploading images of the necessary original documents. Ensure that all details are accurate before clicking SEND for the preliminary analysis of your documentation.


You must wait for a confirmation email from the e-consular system before proceeding further. Depending on the service, this may involve sending your original documents by mail or scheduling an in-person appointment.



Once the submitted documentation has been reviewed and approved, you will receive an email with authorization. This email will include instructions for sending the original documents along with copies and the required QR Code.


Read more in e-consular


By Journalist Marcio Batista

Phto: (MustangJoe/pixabay) Reproduced / Disclosure

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